Responsibilities of the advisors include:


  • To provide accurate information
  • Treating students with respect
  • Addressing students’ needs with confidentiality
  • Keeping accurate records of contacts and student progress
  • Referring students to appropriate support services
  • Assisting students in decision making and goal setting

Allowing students to make the final decisions.

The advisor’s role is to…

·      Provide support and be a personal link to your department and your field of study


·      Be available at advertised or prearranged times for consultation


·      Provide information about university and department policies and procedures that may affect your academic progress


·      Link you to all the resources the university has to offer


·      Assist in the development of your academic success action plan

Your role as an advisee is to…

·      Take an active part in the advising by keeping appointments and communicating with your advisor about any changes in your situation


·      Work with the advisor to develop a plan for your academic success


·      Bring questions, requests and concerns to your advisor about issues that are affecting your academic progress


·      Follow through on recommendations and



·      Be prepared for each meeting