The Medical Analysis Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences at Tishk International University cordially welcomes all students as we commence the new academic year of 2023-2024. We are delighted to welcome you back and anticipate a year filled with stimulating academic and personal development prospects.

As the commencement of the new academic year approaches, we would like to express our sincere aspirations for your achievements and efficacy in all your scholarly pursuits. It is with great assurance that we express our belief that our department, staff, and resources have exceptional quality. Furthermore, we are dedicated to providing unwavering support to facilitate your academic endeavours.

Additionally, we would like to seize this occasion to formally declare that the commencement of registration at the university is scheduled for September 24th. Kindly follow the outlined instructions provided in the accompanying diagram, and subsequently, proceed to office number 304 located in the laboratory building to meet with the Coordinator for the conclusive verification process. It is highly recommended that all students promptly finalize their registration in order to facilitate a seamless commencement of the upcoming academic year.