Here are some future ideas for the IT department at Tishk International University:

  1. New Technologies: We’ll use new technologies like AI, blockchain, and IoT to make learning and work better.
  2. Security First: We’ll make sure our digital stuff is safe and our data stays private.
  3. Digital Change: We’ll keep making things digital to make them easier and faster.
  4. Learning More: We’ll study more to make new things and fix problems in our field.
  5. Working Together: We’ll work with other groups to learn from them and share what we know.
  6. Learning More: We’ll study more to make new things and fix problems in our field.
  7. Better Tools: We’ll get better tools and make our systems stronger for the future.
  8. More for Students: We’ll make sure students can learn more about IT and get ready for jobs.
  9. Saving Energy: We’ll use technology that saves energy and recycles old devices responsibly.
  10. Changing with Time: We’ll be ready to change and use new ideas to keep getting better.