A Memorable Welcome Lunch Event

In efforts to welcome the new semester, students from stage 1 prepared and enjoyed lunch with several distinguished guests including the Dean of Faculty of Applied Sciences, Dr. Faiq Hussain, Head of the Medical Analysis Department, Dr. Tola Faraj, and Dean of Students Representative, Dr. Kenan Kapukaya. The lunch took place in the music club room, where students prepared delicious food and engaged in conversations with the esteemed guests.

During the lunch, the guests gave speeches welcoming the students to the department and wishing them success in their academic pursuits. The Head of the Medical Analysis Department, Dr. Tola Faraj, remarked on the importance of academic excellence and advised students to prioritize their studies while also taking advantage of extracurricular activities and networking opportunities. The Dean of Students Representative, Dr. Kenan Kapukaya, spoke about the importance of community and how the university provides a platform for students to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. He urged students to take advantage of the various student clubs and organizations that exist on campus and find ways to give back to their community.