Background: Obesity is known to increase breast cancer incidence and
mortality, but the underlying mechanisms remain unsolved. Recent studies
demonstrate that adipose fatty acid binding protein (FABP4) promotes
obesity-associated breast cancer development, thus suggesting FABP4 as
a novel player linking obesity and breast cancer risk.
Methods: Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and immunoturbidometry
were used to measure the amount of circulating FABP and CRP in human
breast cancer and control samples, respectively.
Results: There is no significant difference in age of studied groups, but
significant difference recorded for BMI. Regarding CRP, a significant
difference was only documented between non-obese control and Obese
BCa. Concerning FABP4, Our results indicated that in Obese BCa the
mean concentration of FABP4 was significantly higher when compared
with that of Non-obese control and obese control.
Conclusions: According to ROC curve analysis, FABP4 is more sensitive
than CRP in breast cancer diagnosis. In addition, we found that serum
FABP4 levels could provide a potential biomarker to diagnose breast