Faculty of Applied Science Organises An Excursion to the Barzan Region (Zoragvan)

On December 10th, 2022, the Dean of Students Representative organised a trip to Zoragvan- Barzan for the Medical Analysis, Physiotherapy, and Information Technology Departments of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Tishk International University. The purpose of the hiking trip is to create an enjoyable time for students and an opportunity to strengthen relationships between staff members and students. The trip also aimed to spark interest in science and outdoor activities amongst students who lack physical activities due to the rise of technology and lifestyle changes. While hiking is economical and convenient, it is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness and does not require any special equipment. Hiking can increase feelings of calmness, happiness, and pleasure.

Further to this, it can also decrease feelings of anxiety and fatigue, and studies show that spending time in nature can reduce rumination. The trip was a significant relief from the hectic weekdays for staff and students, where everyone enjoyed the peaceful weather of the mountains and bonded with each other, playing games and singing along with the rhyme of Kurdish songs. The trip was a refreshing exercise for both the body and mind. It was also a memorable day for all.